HomeArchived Class 1Our Christmas Nativity

Our Christmas Nativity


Welcome to our Christmas play. We always produce an annual Nativity where we join forces with class 2 and perform together both in school and then again in church. This year was very different but the next few clips show our performance- no parent audience this year due to Covid restrictions but we have filmed the scenes as well as our beautiful enthusiastic singing. We hope you enjoy it. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy and Peaceful 2021. Regards Mr Spencer, Mrs Taylor and Miss Jukes.

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Autumn leaves - a particular favourite of Harry

Putting up the Christmas tree

All the children were so keen to help - thank you the tree looks amazing and Mrs Taylor did not alter it one bit.

That Big Red Combine Harvester never stops working

Harvest songs

Unfortunately no whole school Harvest Festival this year but we have performed our favourite Harvest songs for you.

Performing our Jolly Phonics songs at the Music Ensemble

We learn these songs as part of Listening Games (discrete phonics sessions). This is one of the ways in which we learn in a multi sensory way which helps some of the children remember their taught phonemes.

Physical development and maths

Jemima and Joseph practise throwing and catching as well as develop that important maths skill of subitising (recognising amounts without counting)